Cash Management (CA)
Orlansoft Cash Management helps the company in managing cash, banks, advances, post-dated checks, bank reconciliation, and performs cash flow monitoring.
Orlansoft Cash Management has seamless integration with Orlansoft payment run in Orlansoft Account Payable to facilitate the creation of Bank disbursement for AP payment to suppliers.
Orlansoft Cash Management also has seamless integration with Orlansoft collection run and Orlansoft confirm collection result to helps users with accelerated creation process of Cash receipt, Bank receipt, and Check receipt for AR payment receipt from customers.
All transactions in Orlansoft Cash Management can have the Orlansoft inter-entity feature to help users in creating AP payment transactions from the Head office for all purchase transactions from all branches. This feature also can be used by users at the Branch office for creating AR payment transactions on Head-office’s bank account.
Features & Functions
Receipt transaction allows users to record all receipts from customer payment or other receipts directly to cash and bank or using a post-dated check. Receipt transactions for AR Payment or others can be created in entity with different entity ID of Bank or Cash account. For example: receive AR payment for branch’s invoices in a head office’s bank account.
Check Wizards make it easy to perform Deposit Check, Receive Rejected Check and Cancel Received Check.
Cash management reports present information on outstanding sales & purchase, outstanding AR & AP, bank and cash accounts, loans, and deposits.
Easy to monitor post-dated check status.
Supplier payment via an issue of post-dated check or bank disbursement.

Payment for outstanding AP and operation expenses can have multiple lines with multiple entities. Each line can have a different or same entity ID with an entity ID of selected Bank Account to accommodate a centralized payment policy from head-office. Inter-entity journals for this transaction will be generated automatically in Orlansoft General Ledger.
Monitoring cash advance balances per employee in Outstanding Cash Advance report, and easy to create Advance settlement transactions.
Petty cash handling and print petty cash voucher.
Daily cash reports include balance for all cash, bank, and loan accounts with detail daily transactions.
Automation in bank statement reconciliation, and seamless integration with MT940 or Banking API from major banks in Indonesia.
Direct cash flow report shows actual weekly cash-flow in the grouped cash-flow ID of each GL Account and only use cash bank transactions as the report data source.
Fixed Assets (FA)
Orlansoft Fixed Assets used to manage fixed assets registration, addition, transfer, depreciation, adjustment, and disposal or sales.
Features & Functions
Calculate depreciation in both commercial and tax depreciation methods. The depreciation journal will be created automatically in Orlansoft General Ledger.

Easy to track fixed asset status: location, caretaker, and departments. The asset transfer transaction can be printed as an asset hand-over document when an asset was transferred between locations, departments, or caretakers.
Fixed asset group, category, department, and location can be defined to integrate with GL cost centers.
Pre-setting Fixed Assets ID auto numbering by category.
General Ledger (GL)
Orlansoft General Ledger tracks all financial transactions, monitors balances of GL account, and produces financial statements. Our GL Reports may contain a single entity or a range of entities and may be shown in summary or detail in one or dual home currency.
Features & Functions
Flexible COA (Chart of Account) segment; up to 10 segments with 10 alphanumeric each.
12 Cost Center group dimensions to act as account dimensions, with 10 alphanumeric each.
Flexible Cash Flow coding with up to 3-level grouping for flexible cash-flow reporting.
Journal Type and Journal Batch with user-definable security assignment.
Recurring journal allows users to define recurring from/to period and generate an automatic recurring journal.
Ticking-on specific journals will create an automatic reversing journal and setting the reversing date.

Journal Template helps users to create a journal with the following option automatically:
Automatic multiple lines of journals with a fixed amount.
Automatic allocation journals – define allocation percentage to GL Account in each line (including cost center allocation) and enter the allocated amount at journal creation.
Generate automatic journal with amount (full amount or percentage factor) from beginning balances, mutation, or ending balances of multiple accounts.
Reclassify single or multiple GL account balances to specified GL Account.
Reclassify balance of single cost center of single or multiple GL Account to other cost centers with same GL Account.
Journals can be generated for multiple templates and multiple periods in a single processing.
Cost Center Template enables users to create multiple templates of cost center allocation by percentages for each GL Account and then use it in transactions to speed up key-in when cost center allocation is involved.
Journal List provides comprehensive journal information of manually entered journals or system-generated journals from other non-GL modules.
Summary balance allows users to view account balances in original, home currency, and company management currency. Summary balance provides drill-down capability to subsidiary ledger and journal of source transactions.
Separate process of GL Closing allows user to have GL period as open and create adjustment journal while Manufacturing, Inventory, Account Receivable, Account Payable, Cash Management and Fixed Assets is closed.
Temporary or Permanent Close Accounting Period.
Easy process of year-end closing.
Orlansoft inter-entity supports multiple-entity financial requirements with an automatic inter-entity system-generated journal. Each entity ID has one Balance Sheet, and one or many income statement reports.
Financial Report Formatter provides powerful and flexible tools to generate financial reports with the following options:
COA Segment & Cost Center Parameters.
Single Period or Multiple Period.
Single Entity or Consolidated multiple entities.
Compare with Budget.
Flexible Account Grouping of Report Rows to accommodate user requirements.

Cash Management (CA)
Orlansoft Cash Management helps the company in managing cash, banks, advances, post-dated checks, bank reconciliation, and performs cash flow monitoring.
Orlansoft Cash Management has seamless integration with Orlansoft payment run in Orlansoft Account Payable to facilitate the creation of Bank disbursement for AP payment to suppliers.
Orlansoft Cash Management also has seamless integration with Orlansoft collection run and Orlansoft confirm collection result to helps users with accelerated creation process of Cash receipt, Bank receipt, and Check receipt for AR payment receipt from customers.
All transactions in Orlansoft Cash Management can have the Orlansoft inter-entity feature to help users in creating AP payment transactions from the Head office for all purchase transactions from all branches. This feature also can be used by users at the Branch office for creating AR payment transactions on Head-office’s bank account.

Features & Functions
Receipt transaction allows users to record all receipts from customer payment or other receipts directly to cash and bank or using a post-dated check. Receipt transactions for AR Payment or others can be created in entity with different entity ID of Bank or Cash account. For example: receive AR payment for branch’s invoices in a head office’s bank account.
Check Wizards make it easy to perform Deposit Check, Receive Rejected Check and Cancel Received Check.
Cash management reports present information on outstanding sales & purchase, outstanding AR & AP, bank and cash accounts, loans, and deposits.
Easy to monitor post-dated check status.
Supplier payment via an issue of post-dated check or bank disbursement.
Payment for outstanding AP and operation expenses can have multiple lines with multiple entities. Each line can have a different or same entity ID with an entity ID of selected Bank Account to accommodate a centralized payment policy from head-office. Inter-entity journals for this transaction will be generated automatically in Orlansoft General Ledger.
Monitoring cash advance balances per employee in Outstanding Cash Advance report, and easy to create Advance settlement transactions.
Petty cash handling and print petty cash voucher.
Daily cash reports include balance for all cash, bank, and loan accounts with detail daily transactions.
Automation in bank statement reconciliation, and seamless integration with MT940 or Banking API from major banks in Indonesia.
Direct cash flow report shows actual weekly cash-flow in the grouped cash-flow ID of each GL Account and only use cash bank transactions as the report data source.
Fixed Assets (FA)
Orlansoft Fixed Assets used to manage fixed assets registration, addition, transfer, depreciation, adjustment, and disposal or sales.

Features & Functions
Calculate depreciation in both commercial and tax depreciation methods. The depreciation journal will be created automatically in Orlansoft General Ledger.
Easy to track fixed asset status: location, caretaker, and departments. The asset transfer transaction can be printed as an asset hand-over document when an asset was transferred between locations, departments, or caretakers.
Fixed asset group, category, department, and location can be defined to integrate with GL cost centers.
Pre-setting Fixed Assets ID auto numbering by category.
General Ledger (GL)
Orlansoft General Ledger tracks all financial transactions, monitors balances of GL account, and produces financial statements. Our GL Reports may contain a single entity or a range of entities and may be shown in summary or detail in one or dual home currency.

Features & Functions
Flexible COA (Chart of Account) segment; up to 10 segments with 10 alphanumeric each.
12 Cost Center group dimensions to act as account dimensions, with 10 alphanumeric each.
Flexible Cash Flow coding with up to 3-level grouping for flexible cash-flow reporting.
Journal Type and Journal Batch with user-definable security assignment.
Recurring journal allows users to define recurring from/to period and generate an automatic recurring journal.
Ticking-on specific journals will create an automatic reversing journal and setting the reversing date.
Journal Template helps users to create a journal with the following option automatically:
Automatic multiple lines of journals with a fixed amount.
Automatic allocation journals – define allocation percentage to GL Account in each line (including cost center allocation) and enter the allocated amount at journal creation.
Generate automatic journal with amount (full amount or percentage factor) from beginning balances, mutation, or ending balances of multiple accounts.
Reclassify single or multiple GL account balances to specified GL Account.
Reclassify balance of single cost center of single or multiple GL Account to other cost centers with same GL Account.
Journals can be generated for multiple templates and multiple periods in a single processing.
Cost Center Template enables users to create multiple templates of cost center allocation by percentages for each GL Account and then use it in transactions to speed up key-in when cost center allocation is involved.
Journal List provides comprehensive journal information of manually entered journals or system-generated journals from other non-GL modules.
Summary balance allows users to view account balances in original, home currency, and company management currency. Summary balance provides drill-down capability to subsidiary ledger and journal of source transactions.
Separate process of GL Closing allows user to have GL period as open and create adjustment journal while Manufacturing, Inventory, Account Receivable, Account Payable, Cash Management and Fixed Assets is closed.
Temporary or Permanent Close Accounting Period.
Easy process of year-end closing.
Orlansoft inter-entity supports multiple-entity financial requirements with an automatic inter-entity system-generated journal. Each entity ID has one Balance Sheet, and one or many income statement reports.
Financial Report Formatter provides powerful and flexible tools to generate financial reports with the following options:
COA Segment & Cost Center Parameters.
Single Period or Multiple Period.
Single Entity or Consolidated multiple entities.
Compare with Budget.
Flexible Account Grouping of Report Rows to accommodate user requirements.

About Orlansoft
+62-21-80679392 / +62-21-80679393
+62-31-8782842 / +62-31-8782843
PT. Orlansoft Data System
PT. Orlansoft Data System