Some unloading charges in the Distribution Company

Feb 29, 2024

The high number of shipping transactions within distribution companies requires easy processing and accurate calculation of Unloading Charges. Unloading Charges can occur during the journey from when the vehicle arrives in a particular zone until the customer receives the goods. Unloading Charges can be:

  • Unloading charges are usually calculated in units per carton.
  • Parking fees for delivery fleet vehicles. If the truck is parked in a traditional market, the parking fee for delivery to several customers in the same market is only calculated once.
  • Security fees when goods are unloaded from the vehicle can be calculated in units per ship to customer.
  • Escort fees when the vehicle enters a particular zone.

In calculating the value of total unloading charges per vehicle accurately and fast, you should consider :

  • The various types of unloading charges,
  • The varying rates of unloading charges for each ship to the customer or place of dispatch,
  • Number of vehicles used for deliveries every day,
  • Daily delivery transactions for each branch amount to hundreds or even thousands.

Orlansoft Place of Dispatch makes specifying the market name for the customer’s shop location easy and becomes a reference as part of the Dispatch Zone in the customer master. Orlansoft Load Sheet automatically allocates vehicle capacity to deliver several Delivery Orders or Sales Shipments according to the Dispatch Zone. Auto Cash Advance Request in the Load Sheet menu automatically calculates the Unloading Charges payment value for each load sheet transaction based on the Unloading Charges rate defined for each ship to the customer or place of dispatch. Orlansoft Cash Advance Settlement provides a feature to store information on the actual value of Unloading Charges after the driver has completed delivering goods to customers.

Detailed Unloading Charges information makes it easier to analyze the value of Unloading Charges per vehicle per period and its contribution to total direct costs or gross margin.

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