Orlansoft DriverMate is a mobile app that assists delivery truck drivers to download loadsheets, post delivery status as full shipment or partial shipment, check delivery reports, and record vehicle mileage logs from start to finish.
Orlansoft DriverMate is a mobile app that assists delivery truck drivers to download loadsheets, post delivery status as full shipment or partial shipment, check delivery reports, and record vehicle mileage logs from start to finish.
Orlansoft DriverMate is designed for Android-based tablets or smartphones. Background synchronization allows drivers to record transactions even when the devices are not connected to the internet. GPS validation when
barcodes are scanned from delivery notes enable controls to prevent mistaken customer address. Daily delivery reports provides comprehensive information to Logistic chiefs to monitor drivers performance, including daily distance travelled.
Mobile Sales Shipment (Kirim)
Ship to customer menu provides functionality to enter or scan delivery notes as goods are delivered to the customers. When a customer has more than one delivery notes, the system will display them for the driver to validate. Shipment information includes product code, name, quantity, and units.
Timestamped location validation using GPS when a driver key-in or scan delivery note or sales invoice number.
Update delivery status from in-delivery to full or partial shipment.

Reports are available for delivery status of each delivery notes.
Kilometer At Start/Finish
The Start menu will log kilometers at loading start and Finish menu logs distance travelled when trucks return. Date and times are automatically updated at Load Sheet.

Mobile Sales Return (Pengembalian)
Return menu is used to key-in returned goods quantity including reason of return and whether they are damaged or not.
Mobile COD Collection (Penagihan)
This is used to key-in cash payment receipt for COD invoices and will be synchronized to Orlansoft Collection run so users at the office only need to confirm collection result.

Mobile Sales Return (Retur)
Return menu is used to key-in returned goods quantity including reason of return and whether they are damaged or not.
Mobile COD Collection (Penagihan)
This is used to key-in cash payment receipt for COD invoices and will be synchronized to Orlansoft Collection run so users at the office only need to confirm collection result.
Automatic Update
Orlansoft DriverMate app is automatically updated when users click the “Update” button, to ensure that running version of mobile apps is aligned with the server version. This Update process is mandatory before a user attempts to perform data synchronization. Data captured with older version of DriverMate is automatically updated so it can be synchronized to the server without re-entry.

About Orlansoft
+62-21-80679392 / +62-21-80679393
+62-31-8782842 / +62-31-8782843
PT. Orlansoft Data System
PT. Orlansoft Data System