Orlansoft Salesmate Free Edition is available at Google Playstore
Orlansoft SalesMate Free Edition is a mobile application from PT. Orlansoft Data System that is designed to help salesmen in creating real time customer’s order transaction at customer’s location, especially for salesmen from distributor of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer...
Orlansoft Point of Sale 3x is released
Orlansoft Point of Sale is developed using JavaFX platform and utilize Apache Derby, PostGreSQL and MYSQL in the mix. POS data is synchronized to Orlansoft ERP using a background service to make it possible sales transaction is concluded without the need to wait the...
Orlansoft Drivermate is released
Orlansoft Drivermate is a mobile app that assists delivery truck drivers to download loadsheets, post delivery status as full shipment or partial shipment, check delivery reports, and record vehicle mileage logs from start to finish. Orlansoft Drivermate is designed...
Orlansoft is now officially an SAP partner
Orlansoft ERP uses SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere®, an SAP software. In fact, Orlansoft has a long history with SQL Anywhere, having been designed around this excellent database product since its inception. About OrlansoftContactJakarta+62-21-80679392 /...
Orlansoft Web Edition
The 1st release of Orlansoft Web edition was launched on 29th February 2012. The Orlansoft web edition is part of free new software release for all Orlansoft’s customers who has joined annual maintenance contract by the end of February 2012. For more detail of...

About Orlansoft
+62-21-80679392 / +62-21-80679393
+62-31-8782842 / +62-31-8782843
PT. Orlansoft Data System
PT. Orlansoft Data System