The Dual Unit of Measurement Feature in Orlansoft ERP has the Primary unit as the Theoretical Weight and the Secondary unit as the Actual Weight.
Some finished goods and raw materials products have UOM (Unit of Measurement) characters that require the Dual UOM feature. Dual UOM has the following features: Primary UOM is used in the calculation of inventory unit cost. Secondary UOM is used to calculate the total...
10 Best POS Features for Supermarket Business.
The Supermarket Business Model has unique characteristics. Unlike other industries, supermarkets have many customers, reflected in member codes, many suppliers, and various price promotions and discount schemes. Supermarkets, often with store locations spread across...
Formula item and Containerized End Item in Orlansoft ERP Process Manufacturing
A manufacturing company must have a product structure to produce a product. In Process Manufacturing, this structure is called a formula or recipe. A formula is a blueprint where information on raw materials, standard production quantities, and packaging...
Orlansoft released Orlansoft ERP version on July 12, 2024, and is compatible with Apache Tomcat 9.0.90
Orlansoft announced that Orlansoft ERP version was released on July 12, 2024. It is compatible with Apache Tomcat 9.0.90 and is still compatible with Apache Tomcat 8.5.x. Regarding the announcement from Apache Tomcat that as of March 31, 2024, product support...
Orlansoft released the Cost Component feature for a comprehensive cost variance analysis of factory overhead costs in February 2024
Cost variance is the discrepancy value between standard cost and actual cost. The actual cost is the cost value the company issued for each production cost component, for example, the actual cost of electrical energy per month and the actual cost of factory machine...
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