The Dual Unit of Measurement Feature in Orlansoft ERP has the Primary unit as the Theoretical Weight and the Secondary unit as the Actual Weight.

Dec 2, 2024

Some finished goods and raw materials products have UOM (Unit of Measurement) characters that require the Dual UOM feature. Dual UOM has the following features:

    • Primary UOM is used in the calculation of inventory unit cost.
    • Secondary UOM is used to calculate the total purchase price of raw materials received from suppliers and the total sales price of finished goods products sent to customers.
    • Unit conversion from Primary UOM to Secondary UOM in each transaction often has a different conversion value.

The following illustration uses a paper product to provide an example of using the Dual UOM feature within Orlansoft ERP. Orlansoft ERP features a Primary Unit as a Primary UOM and a Secondary Unit as a Secondary UOM. For paper products, the Primary Unit stores the Theoretical Weight data on paper products according to the grammage (gram per square meter/GSM). For example, a 310 gsm Duplex Paper product measuring 0.79 m x 1.09 m with a quantity of 1 Rim ( 500 sheets ) has a Theoretical Weight = 0.79 m x 1.09 m x 0.310 kg x 500 sheets = 133.47 kg. Sales, purchase, inventory, and manufacturing transactions in Orlansoft ERP can use Theoretical Weight as the Primary Unit Quantity for the calculation of inventory unit cost and production standard cost. 

In fact, the Actual Weight in each transaction for 1 Ream of Duplex Paper 310 gsm measuring 0.79 m x 1.09 m can exceed or be less than 133.47 kg. The Actual Weight per transaction is the Secondary Unit Quantity in the calculation of the total sales price of finished goods products sent from the paper mill to the customer. When this Duplex Paper is received at the printing plant, the Actual Weight becomes the Secondary Unit Quantity in the calculation of the total purchase price of the raw materials received.

To facilitate the integration of Actual Weight data from weighbridges into Orlansoft ERP, Orlansoft ERP API Client provides a feature to receive actual weight data from weighbridge applications on raw materials received from suppliers to become Automatic Actual Purchase Receipt Quantity and actual weight data of finished goods products sent to customers to become Automatic Actual Sales Shipment Quantity in Orlansoft ERP. 

To get complete information about using the Dual UOM feature in Orlansoft ERP, please contact our sales team via email at

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