Formula item and Containerized End Item in Orlansoft ERP Process Manufacturing

Oct 30, 2024

A manufacturing company must have a product structure to produce a product. In Process Manufacturing, this structure is called a formula or recipe. A formula is a blueprint where information on raw materials, standard production quantities, and packaging configurations is stored as a production guide and for material requirement planning.

For example, in the margarine production process, margarine is the main product, and it is packaged in a container of a particular size; for example, Margarine 250 gr and Margarine 500 gr are the finished products ready for sale. Margarine 250 gr and Margarine 500 gr are defined as Containerized End-items. In contrast, Margarine, the main product, is defined as a Formula item because it uses a formula or recipe for the production process.

Complementing the Co-product and By-Product features already in Orlansoft ERP Process Manufacturing, Orlansoft has released the Formula Item and Containerized End-Item features in the Orlansoft Formula menu. The Formula Item & Containerized End-Item feature makes it easier for PPIC end-users to perform production planning with a more straightforward process. PPIC end-users can only create production planning at the Formula Item level. This feature also simplifies recording production results for finished goods or work in process for end-user machine operators.

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