Orlansoft Manufacturing (MF)
Product Data Management
Orlansoft Product Data Management manages product data centrally for item specification, bill of material, routing, toolkit, and product costs. Fully integrated with Orlansoft Inventory management, Orlansoft Purchasing, Orlansoft Sales, and Orlansoft General Ledger, to ensure quick access to key information for use in Orlansoft Manufacturing Planning & Execution.
Features & Functions
Item Specification stores detailed item descriptions, inspection standard parameters, tools for material, work-in-process, or finished goods used in the creation of an inspection sheet and certificate of analysis. Item specification template used to accelerate the entry process of item specification.
Item sampling menu provides sampling quantity used in inspection sheet transactions to produce quality control documents.
Bill of Material makes it possible to define a multi-level bill of material for each manufactured items, with:
Revision Number.
Effective & expired date of bill of material.
Scrap rate, in factor or quantity, and fixed scrap.
> 1 bill of material for each item ID with BOM quantity and linked to routing ID.
Routing allows users to define multiple operations routing and alternative routings for each manufactured items, with:
Revision Number.
Effective & expired date of each Routing ID.
Task type: work center or sub-contract.
Multiple operation IDs for each Routing ID.
Multiple machine IDs for each operation ID.
Toolkit & Tool supports multiple tools in use for each manufactured-items at each machine with:
Use method: Max first or Min first
Lifetime type: Number of an hour used, Number of time used, Qty produced or Not applicable.
Definable value of tools life, refurbishing point, and maximum number of refurbishing.
Cost code allows the definition of standard rate per hour for each activity, machine ID, and work center. Standard rate is used in cost variance calculation for Direct labor variances and Overhead variances.
Orlansoft Manufacturing (MF)
Planning & Execution
Orlansoft Manufacturing Planning & Execution supports discrete manufacturing with cost variance analysis by production order.
The functions include the creation of production request, approve and print production order, create material inspection sheet, generate and print production transfer order and transfer material, create machine usage, create and print return material to warehouse, transfer and return tools, creation of certificate of analysis, and ended with create finished goods inspection sheet.
Features & Functions
Production Request can be created based on Sales order or without Sales Order. This transaction will create automatic planned purchase requests with required quantity (Material Requirement Planning) and planned production order for each machine and work center as defined in Routing master with Infinite capacity planning method.
Planned Production Order can be rescheduled, firmed for production, transferred, printed, and used as production order to production floor for each machine and work center.
Use primary and secondary quantity in all manufacturing transactions for material, work in process, and finished goods as predefined in item master setting. Items in roll or coil commonly use primary and secondary quantity features.

Inspection Sheet records the result of material quality control with definable parameter in item specification. It automatically generates a Location transfer transaction from location type = QA (quarantine) to location type = normal to make available to use in the production process. Material Inspection sheet is integrated with the Procure to pay business process to release Receiving transaction to become a purchase invoice transaction.

Production Transfer Order transaction from a single Production Request transaction can be printed as an order document for transferring all required materials for each job-order from warehouse to production floor. This transaction can also be created by combining multiple Production orders and use the Round-up quantity in storage unit feature to facilitate the process of material transfer from the warehouse to each work center in the storage unit.
Create Transfer material to production transaction when the Warehouse user had issue materials or work-in-process refer to the Production Transfer Order. Transfer material to production transaction deducts stock on-hand at a material warehouse and adds stock on-hand at the production warehouse. This transaction can be created in Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps to simplify and speed up the transaction process with seamless integration to Orlansoft Manufacturing.
Machine Usage facilitates the process of recording all activities at each machine ID for production, idle, maintenance, or overhaul. Machine usage transaction can use to Shift feature and automatically generated the following transactions:
Finished Goods Receipt with result quantity.
Hours Accounting with the production time of each machine and activity and can be viewed in the cost variance analysis report.
Issue material with bill-of-material quantity for backflush items.
Shift allows the allocation of production shift schedules for each machine and labor with a production calendar.
Issue material can be entered manually with the actual quantity of material used for each production order.
Production Return Order used as a return order for remaining unused materials from the production floor to material Warehouse.
The return to warehouse transaction refers to production return order transaction as a handover document of the return of goods to the material warehouse. This transaction can be created in Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps to speed up the transaction process. This transaction deducts stock on-hand at the production floor and adds stock on-hand at the material warehouse.
Inspection Sheet for finished goods provides information on the rejected quantity for each production order number.
Print Certificate of Analysis with item specification of Finished goods.
Transfer tools to Production and return tools to the warehouse have seamless integration to production order with automatic calculation of remaining lifetime.
Tools Refurbishing is used to manage refurbishing to extend tools’ lifetime.
Standard costing with cost variance analysis report per production order is available to measure production efficiency for each finished goods item or work-in-process item and to provide actual cost information for calculating gross margin of sold finished goods item for each customer.
Seamless Integration to:
Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps speed up the process for end-users in performing stock take, put away, location transfer, Intersite transfer and receipt transactions, transfer material to production, and return material to warehouse.
Orlansoft Manufacturing (MF)
Product Data Management
Orlansoft Product Data Management manages product data centrally for item specification, bill of material, routing, toolkit, and product costs. Fully integrated with Orlansoft Inventory management, Orlansoft Purchasing, Orlansoft Sales, and Orlansoft General Ledger, to ensure quick access to key information for use in Orlansoft Manufacturing Planning & Execution.
Features & Functions
Item Specification stores detailed item descriptions, inspection standard parameters, tools for material, work-in-process, or finished goods used in the creation of an inspection sheet and certificate of analysis. Item specification template used to accelerate the entry process of item specification.
Item sampling menu provides sampling quantity used in inspection sheet transactions to produce quality control documents.
Bill of Material makes it possible to define a multi-level bill of material for each manufactured items, with:
Revision Number.
Effective & expired date of bill of material.
Scrap rate, in factor or quantity, and fixed scrap.
> 1 bill of material for each item ID with BOM quantity and linked to routing ID.
Routing allows users to define multiple operations routing and alternative routings for each manufactured items, with:
Revision Number.
Effective & expired date of each Routing ID.
Task type: work center or sub-contract.
Multiple operation IDs for each Routing ID.
Multiple machine IDs for each operation ID.
Toolkit & Tool supports multiple tools in use for each manufactured-items at each machine with:
Use method: Max first or Min first
Lifetime type: Number of an hour used, Number of time used, Qty produced or Not applicable.
Definable value of tools life, refurbishing point, and maximum number of refurbishing.
Cost code allows the definition of standard rate per hour for each activity, machine ID, and work center. Standard rate is used in cost variance calculation for Direct labor variances and Overhead variances.
Orlansoft Manufacturing (MF)
Planning & Execution
Orlansoft Manufacturing Planning & Execution supports discrete manufacturing with cost variance analysis by production order.
The functions include the creation of production request, approve and print production order, create material inspection sheet, generate and print production transfer order and transfer material, create machine usage, create and print return material to warehouse, transfer and return tools, creation of certificate of analysis, and ended with create finished goods inspection sheet.
Features & Functions
Production Request can be created based on Sales order or without Sales Order. This transaction will create automatic planned purchase requests with required quantity (Material Requirement Planning) and planned production order for each machine and work center as defined in Routing master with Infinite capacity planning method.
Planned Production Order can be rescheduled, firmed for production, transferred, printed, and used as production order to production floor for each machine and work center.
Use primary and secondary quantity in all manufacturing transactions for material, work in process, and finished goods as predefined in item master setting. Items in roll or coil commonly use primary and secondary quantity features.

Inspection Sheet records the result of material quality control with definable parameter in item specification. It automatically generates a Location transfer transaction from location type = QA (quarantine) to location type = normal to make available to use in the production process. Material Inspection sheet is integrated with the Procure to pay business process to release Receiving transaction to become a purchase invoice transaction.

Production Transfer Order transaction from a single Production Request transaction can be printed as an order document for transferring all required materials for each job-order from warehouse to production floor. This transaction can also be created by combining multiple Production orders and use the Round-up quantity in storage unit feature to facilitate the process of material transfer from the warehouse to each work center in the storage unit.
Create Transfer material to production transaction when the Warehouse user had issue materials or work-in-process refer to the Production Transfer Order. Transfer material to production transaction deducts stock on-hand at a material warehouse and adds stock on-hand at the production warehouse. This transaction can be created in Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps to simplify and speed up the transaction process with seamless integration to Orlansoft Manufacturing.
Machine Usage facilitates the process of recording all activities at each machine ID for production, idle, maintenance, or overhaul. Machine usage transaction can use to Shift feature and automatically generated the following transactions:
Finished Goods Receipt with result quantity.
Hours Accounting with the production time of each machine and activity and can be viewed in the cost variance analysis report.
Issue material with bill-of-material quantity for backflush items.
Shift allows the allocation of production shift schedules for each machine and labor with a production calendar.
Issue material can be entered manually with the actual quantity of material used for each production order.
Production Return Order used as a return order for remaining unused materials from the production floor to material Warehouse.
The return to warehouse transaction refers to production return order transaction as a handover document of the return of goods to the material warehouse. This transaction can be created in Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps to speed up the transaction process. This transaction deducts stock on-hand at the production floor and adds stock on-hand at the material warehouse.
Inspection Sheet for finished goods provides information on the rejected quantity for each production order number.
Print Certificate of Analysis with item specification of Finished goods.
Transfer tools to Production and return tools to the warehouse have seamless integration to production order with automatic calculation of remaining lifetime.
Tools Refurbishing is used to manage refurbishing to extend tools’ lifetime.
Standard costing with cost variance analysis report per production order is available to measure production efficiency for each finished goods item or work-in-process item and to provide actual cost information for calculating gross margin of sold finished goods item for each customer.
Seamless Integration to:
Orlansoft Numbering mobile apps speed up the process for end-users in performing stock take, put away, location transfer, Intersite transfer and receipt transactions, transfer material to production, and return material to warehouse.

About Orlansoft



+62-21-80679392 / +62-21-80679393


+62-31-8782842 / +62-31-8782843

  PT. Orlansoft Data System

About Orlansoft



+62-21-80679392 / +62-21-80679393


+62-31-8782842 / +62-31-8782843

  PT. Orlansoft Data System