
Plaza Bangunan Electronic has successfully adopted Global Best Practices in Modern Retail business using Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale.

Andy Kho
Director of Plaza Bangunan Electronic

Plaza Bangunan Electronic has successfully adopted Global Best Practices in Modern Retail business using Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale.

Andy Kho
Director of Plaza Bangunan Electronic
Plaza Bangunan ( CV. Bina Karya Sarana Bangun )
A family company founded in 2003 with its first store on Jalan Sudirman, Manado, North Sulawesi.
Plaza Bangunan became a pioneer in introducing ways to shop for electrical equipment, carpentry tools and household items in one store in North Sulawesi.
At the end of 2013, Plaza Bangunan rebranded to Plaza Bangunan Electronic and expanded through new stores with a Modern Retail theme selling electronic products, tableware, carpentry tools and building materials in one big store on Sisingamangaraja street, Calaca, Manado.
We have a vision that Plaza Bangunan Electronic will become the most complete and comfortable store for electronics, tableware and building materials with competitive prices and the friendliest service in North Sulawesi.
The first challenge is how to change the traditional business process into a Modern Retail business process that still accommodates indent sales order with down payments. For products such as home generators, customers visit the store to select the desired products, pay a down payment and estimate delivery date. Delivery is made after the stock is available, and the customer has made a payment for the total price of the order.
The second challenge is that there is a difference in the ordering process of electronic product compared to other products. Like other building material supermarkets, buyers can immediately select the desired products from the display rack, take them to the cashier to be paid, and immediately take them home. For larger electronic products or those that require a testing process, the buyer should make an order to a Sales Promotion Girl or Boy as a sales order document, pays at the cashier, shows a payment receipt for the customer service to collect the goods from the warehouse and perform testing. After which the goods can be immediately taken home or pay the delivery cost at the customer service counter, according to the address to which the goods are sent. All ordering and payment processes for sales transactions must be integrated with various promos in the Single Database ERP System to facilitate easier creation of transaction analysis reports while increasing sales.
The third challenge is the required features that can provide the Point of Sale system for pop-up Stores in shopping malls. Pop-up stores are temporarily during the exhibition period. Internet connection from pop-up stores to the server is only available via 3G or 4G networks with unstable and weak signal in the North Sulawesi region. The unstable signal should not be an obstacle to perform sales transactions. On the other side, easy to control the process of cash deposit from all sales transactions in pop-up stores must be available in the ERP System.
The fourth challenge is how to integrate the sales transaction process for the orders that placed in one store, but sent from another store or from a Distribution Center.
The necessity of providing features that facilitate auto Purchase Order and Goods Receiving transactions, according to purchase discount agreements is the fifth challenge. This feature is required to obtain stock accuracy and the value that must be paid to suppliers of consignment products periodically based on the quantity sold in the store.
The sixth challenge is the availability of membership features, point rewards, and reward redemptions to improve store relationships with customers. Point redemption can be exchanged for cash vouchers that could be used for payment in the next transaction.
The seventh challenge is how to change the business process of depositing store cashier money to eliminate the risk of mismatch between sales value and the value deposited. It will result in no more proceeds from sales not deposited to Cashier Supervisor and the Bank.
The final challenge is how to synchronize purchase transactions starting from requests, orders, receipt of supplier invoices and ended with payments to suppliers. All purchase transactions should be integrated with goods receipt transactions, quantity of stocks in warehouses, accounting journals and the calculation of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for easy control on Account Payable and the creation of Financial Statements. The verification process of the Supplier’s Invoices and payment to Supplier must be done accurately and easily in the ERP System to maintain good relationships and trust with suppliers.
Orlansoft Point of Sale and Orlansoft ERP provides flexible promo schemes. This feature allows us the create various promos.

By using Orlansoft Point of Sales, store cashiers are more attentive, and the risk of human-error in cash deposit is eliminated.

We have also succeeded in changing the organizational structure and gaining efficiency in human resources management by implementing a more modern and effective way of working.

Andy Kho – Director of Plaza Bangunan Electronic
Orlansoft Point of Sale and Orlansoft ERP provide Global Best Practices to facilitate Plaza Bangunan Electronic in transforming traditional business processes into Modern Retail business processes. Orlansoft Sales Order and Orlansoft AR Advance are integrated to Orlansoft Point Sale with the result that Sales order transactions for indent sales and receipt of down payment (AR Advance) can be downloaded to POS Sales transactions to calculate the remaining balance that should be paid by the customer. Sales shipment transactions that are generated automatically from POS Sales can be printed as a release document for delivering goods to customers.
Orlansoft Sales Order can also be used for ordering electronic products. After the order has been paid for by the customer, the Customer Service team at the store can print the Sales Shipment transaction as a delivery note to ship to the customer, if the customer does not immediately bring the purchased item. Sales Invoice transactions can be printed from the Customer Service according to the shipping costs paid by the customer.
Orlansoft Replenishment Order provides a feature for supervising the movement of goods from one store to another store or from the Distribution Center to the store. All sales transactions can still be executed at the store, but physical goods will be shipped from other stores or from the Distribution Center to customers.
Orlansoft Price & Promo management provides a complete range of sales price settings, a combination of discount promo and / or bonus items. Promos for members, discount promos for specific items, buy item A in a certain quantity – get discount vouchers, credit card promos and many other promo schemes. This feature makes it easier for Plaza Bangunan Electronic’s team to run various marketing strategies.
The Auto Online Offline Mode feature in Orlansoft Point of Sale makes it easy for pop-up store to download master data when the store is opened. Sales transactions can be performed normally, even though the POS Station is in Offline Mode and not connected to the server. POS Station closing shift makes it easier to control the pop-up store’s cash deposit transactions from the Head office.
Orlansoft Purchase Consignment Item automatically generates Purchase Order and Goods Receiving transactions for consignment items sold in stores in a daily period by referring to the price and discount in Orlansoft Purchase Price Management.
The membership feature in Master Customer can be used in the Orlansoft Point menu to determine the amount of transaction value that will acquire points, and extra points for certain products. The Customer Service team member in Stores can serve point redemption requests from customers. Points can be exchanged for cash vouchers or certain products.
During shift changes, the store cashier is required to run the Process Close Station at the Orlansoft Point of Sale. The store cashier hands over cash and printed receipts from the EDC machine to the Chief cashier. The Chief cashier runs the Close Station Shift menu in Orlansoft ERP, calculates the total physical money and printed receipts, then compares them to the values ​ printed on the Close Station Shift document. If there is a surplus, it will be recorded as other income. And if there is a deficit, the Store Cashier must pay.
Orlansoft ERP optimizes the Procure to pay business process, helps organizations to save operational costs and reduces risk through better and efficient financial control processes. Orlansoft Purchasing provides comprehensive features for the procurement of inventory or non-inventory items in one system. Basic functions include the creation, approval process, and print Purchase Request, Purchase Orders, Purchase Return Orders, Goods Receiving and Return to Supplier and tight integration to Inventory, Account Payable, Fixed Assets and General Ledger.
Plaza Bangunan Electronic
  • Define System Requirements
  • Technical Knowledge of legacy system
  • First-Line Support
  • Project Management
  • Technical Support
  • Software Set-Up
  • Data Conversion
  • End User Training & Implementation
  • On-going Software Support
Plaza Bangunan Electronic is the only Electronics and building materials supermarket that has successful implementation of an ERP System in North Sulawesi.

Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale helped Plaza Bangunan Electronic to change its organizational structure and efficiency in human resources management by adopting Global Best Practices in the Modern Retail business.

By using Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale, Plaza Bangunan Electronic has successfully transformed its business process into a Modern Retail Store that is agile like a traditional business, while maintaining the well ordered administration and ease of control in modern retail business processes. The success of this transformation has resulted in a much better preparation for the next business expansion in the future.

Company Name
CV. Bina Karya Sarana Bangun (Plaza Bangunan Electronic)
Orlansoft Solution
Orlansoft ERP, Orlansoft Point of Sale
Manado Stores: Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jalan Sudirman Manado. Distribution Center: Jalan Moh Tamrin, Tuminting
Implementation Time
4 months in 2013
PC Servers Ubuntu Server 16.x LTS – OS
Sybase SQL Anywhere 17.xx database Mozilla Firefox browser
Successfully changed organizational structures and gained efficiency in human resources management by adopting Global Best Practices in the Modern Retail business.
Single master data & products for all users with easy to monitor Purchase, Sales and Cash-Bank transactions.
Integration of business processes in Distribution Center, head office and all stores in a single system with better administration of inventory and financial transactions.
Ease to run marketing strategies with various promos, reward points, and cash vouchers.
Eliminates the risk of human-error in process of store cashier’s cash deposit.
Plaza Bangunan ( CV. Bina Karya Sarana Bangun )
A family company founded in 2003 with its first store on Jalan Sudirman, Manado, North Sulawesi.
Plaza Bangunan became a pioneer in introducing ways to shop for electrical equipment, carpentry tools and household items in one store in North Sulawesi.
At the end of 2013, Plaza Bangunan rebranded to Plaza Bangunan Electronic and expanded through new stores with a Modern Retail theme selling electronic products, tableware, carpentry tools and building materials in one big store on Sisingamangaraja street, Calaca, Manado.
We have a vision that Plaza Bangunan Electronic will become the most complete and comfortable store for electronics, tableware and building materials with competitive prices and the friendliest service in North Sulawesi.
The first challenge is how to change the traditional business process into a Modern Retail business process that still accommodates indent sales order with down payments. For products such as home generators, customers visit the store to select the desired products, pay a down payment and estimate delivery date. Delivery is made after the stock is available, and the customer has made a payment for the total price of the order.
The second challenge is that there is a difference in the ordering process of electronic product compared to other products. Like other building material supermarkets, buyers can immediately select the desired products from the display rack, take them to the cashier to be paid, and immediately take them home. For larger electronic products or those that require a testing process, the buyer should make an order to a Sales Promotion Girl or Boy as a sales order document, pays at the cashier, shows a payment receipt for the customer service to collect the goods from the warehouse and perform testing. After which the goods can be immediately taken home or pay the delivery cost at the customer service counter, according to the address to which the goods are sent. All ordering and payment processes for sales transactions must be integrated with various promos in the Single Database ERP System to facilitate easier creation of transaction analysis reports while increasing sales.
The third challenge is the required features that can provide the Point of Sale system for pop-up Stores in shopping malls. Pop-up stores are temporarily during the exhibition period. Internet connection from pop-up stores to the server is only available via 3G or 4G networks with unstable and weak signal in the North Sulawesi region. The unstable signal should not be an obstacle to perform sales transactions. On the other side, easy to control the process of cash deposit from all sales transactions in pop-up stores must be available in the ERP System.
The fourth challenge is how to integrate the sales transaction process for the orders that placed in one store, but sent from another store or from a Distribution Center.
The necessity of providing features that facilitate auto Purchase Order and Goods Receiving transactions, according to purchase discount agreements is the fifth challenge. This feature is required to obtain stock accuracy and the value that must be paid to suppliers of consignment products periodically based on the quantity sold in the store.
The sixth challenge is the availability of membership features, point rewards, and reward redemptions to improve store relationships with customers. Point redemption can be exchanged for cash vouchers that could be used for payment in the next transaction.
The seventh challenge is how to change the business process of depositing store cashier money to eliminate the risk of mismatch between sales value and the value deposited. It will result in no more proceeds from sales not deposited to Cashier Supervisor and the Bank.
The final challenge is how to synchronize purchase transactions starting from requests, orders, receipt of supplier invoices and ended with payments to suppliers. All purchase transactions should be integrated with goods receipt transactions, quantity of stocks in warehouses, accounting journals and the calculation of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for easy control on Account Payable and the creation of Financial Statements. The verification process of the Supplier’s Invoices and payment to Supplier must be done accurately and easily in the ERP System to maintain good relationships and trust with suppliers.
“Orlansoft Point of Sale and Orlansoft ERP provides flexible promo schemes. This feature allows us the create various promos.”

“By using Orlansoft Point of Sales, store cashiers are more attentive, and the risk of human-error in cash deposit is eliminated.”

“We have also succeeded in changing the organizational structure and gaining efficiency in human resources management by implementing a more modern and effective way of working.”

Andy Kho – Director of Plaza Bangunan Electronic
Orlansoft Point of Sale and Orlansoft ERP provide Global Best Practices to facilitate Plaza Bangunan Electronic in transforming traditional business processes into Modern Retail business processes. Orlansoft Sales Order and Orlansoft AR Advance are integrated to Orlansoft Point Sale with the result that Sales order transactions for indent sales and receipt of down payment (AR Advance) can be downloaded to POS Sales transactions to calculate the remaining balance that should be paid by the customer. Sales shipment transactions that are generated automatically from POS Sales can be printed as a release document for delivering goods to customers.
Orlansoft Sales Order can also be used for ordering electronic products. After the order has been paid for by the customer, the Customer Service team at the store can print the Sales Shipment transaction as a delivery note to ship to the customer, if the customer does not immediately bring the purchased item. Sales Invoice transactions can be printed from the Customer Service according to the shipping costs paid by the customer.
Orlansoft Price & Promo management provides a complete range of sales price settings, a combination of discount promo and / or bonus items. Promos for members, discount promos for specific items, buy item A in a certain quantity – get discount vouchers, credit card promos and many other promo schemes. This feature makes it easier for Plaza Bangunan Electronic’s team to run various marketing strategies.
The Auto Online Offline Mode feature in Orlansoft Point of Sale makes it easy for pop-up store to download master data when the store is opened. Sales transactions can be performed normally, even though the POS Station is in Offline Mode and not connected to the server. POS Station closing shift makes it easier to control the pop-up store’s cash deposit transactions from the Head office.
Orlansoft Replenishment Order provides a feature for supervising the movement of goods from one store to another store or from the Distribution Center to the store. All sales transactions can still be executed at the store, but physical goods will be shipped from other stores or from the Distribution Center to customers.
Orlansoft Purchase Consignment Item automatically generates Purchase Order and Goods Receiving transactions for consignment items sold in stores in a daily period by referring to the price and discount in Orlansoft Purchase Price Management.
The membership feature in Master Customer can be used in the Orlansoft Point menu to determine the amount of transaction value that will acquire points, and extra points for certain products. The Customer Service team member in Stores can serve point redemption requests from customers. Points can be exchanged for cash vouchers or certain products.
During shift changes, the store cashier is required to run the Process Close Station at the Orlansoft Point of Sale. The store cashier hands over cash and printed receipts from the EDC machine to the Chief cashier. The Chief cashier runs the Close Station Shift menu in Orlansoft ERP, calculates the total physical money and printed receipts, then compares them to the values ​ printed on the Close Station Shift document. If there is a surplus, it will be recorded as other income. And if there is a deficit, the Store Cashier must pay.
Orlansoft ERP optimizes the Procure to pay business process, helps organizations to save operational costs and reduces risk through better and efficient financial control processes. Orlansoft Purchasing provides comprehensive features for the procurement of inventory or non-inventory items in one system. Basic functions include the creation, approval process, and print Purchase Request, Purchase Orders, Purchase Return Orders, Goods Receiving and Return to Supplier and tight integration to Inventory, Account Payable, Fixed Assets and General Ledger.
Plaza Bangunan Electronic
  • Define System Requirements
  • Technical Knowledge of legacy system
  • First-Line Support
  • Project Management
  • Technical Support
  • Software Set-Up
  • Data Conversion
  • End User Training & Implementation
  • On-going Software Support
Plaza Bangunan Electronic is the only Electronics and building materials supermarket that has successful implementation of an ERP System in North Sulawesi.

Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale helped Plaza Bangunan Electronic to change its organizational structure and efficiency in human resources management by adopting Global Best Practices in the Modern Retail business.

By using Orlansoft ERP and Orlansoft Point of Sale, Plaza Bangunan Electronic has successfully transformed its business process into a Modern Retail Store that is agile like a traditional business, while maintaining the well ordered administration and ease of control in modern retail business processes. The success of this transformation has resulted in a much better preparation for the next business expansion in the future.

Company Name
CV. Bina Karya Sarana Bangun (Plaza Bangunan Electronic)
Orlansoft Solution
Orlansoft ERP, Orlansoft Point of Sale
Manado Stores: Jalan Sisingamangaraja & Jalan Sudirman Manado. Distribution Center: Jalan Moh Tamrin, Tuminting
Implementation Time
4 months in 2013
PC Servers Ubuntu Server 16.x LTS – OS
Sybase SQL Anywhere 17.xx database Mozilla Firefox browser
Successfully changed organizational structures and gained efficiency in human resources management by adopting Global Best Practices in the Modern Retail business.
Single master data & products for all users with easy to monitor Purchase, Sales and Cash-Bank transactions.
Integration of business processes in Distribution Center, head office and all stores in a single system with better administration of inventory and financial transactions.
Ease to run marketing strategies with various promos, reward points, and cash vouchers.
Eliminates the risk of human-error in process of store cashier’s cash deposit.

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